GDPR – we’re E-Newsletter ready!

GDPR – we’re E-Newsletter ready!

GDPR becomes enforceable from 25 May 2018

Don’t miss out on receiving our regular e-newsletters

By now, if you’re already on my mailing list,  you should have received an email from me asking if you would still like to receive my e-newsletters.

New regulation means we’ll soon stop sending you our regular e-newsletter unless you tell us otherwise. This new regulation is called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and will give you more control over how your personal data is used and how we contact you in the future.

You’ll need to confirm you want to continue to receive our e-newsletters by clicking on the link below and providing a few details. It’s easy to do and once you’ve done this, we’ll continue to keep you up to date. We know your time is precious so we’ll only send you information about things that interest you most and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Follow this link to sign up to my newsletters:  E-Newsletter Sign Up

To view my latest e-newsletter,  please follow this link:   GDPR Newsletter 

Looking forward to staying in touch.

Warm wishes


IBS Awareness Month – April 2018

IBS Awareness Month – April 2018

Let’s talk bowels – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

My latest article published in The Sherwood monthly community magazine is all about IBS.  This seemed appropriate, as April is IBS awareness month.  The aim is to raise awareness about IBS and encourages people who have symptoms of IBS to seek medical advice. A further aim is to reduce the stigma associated with IBS by encouraging people to talk more about this condition.

If you would like to know more about IBS, I am always open to enquiries, why not give me a call, I’d love to hear from you!

Here’s a copy of the article, hope you enjoy it.


IBS awareness month blog

A copy will be available soon on the News Journal website.

The magazine offers news, information, events and is packed with wonderful places to visit and sights to see in the Sherwood area.

I do hope you enjoy my article and find it interesting and informative.

Please contact me on 07932 629003 to find out more or book an appointment.

Janet x

Colon Clinic hat-trick article

Colon Clinic hat-trick article

It’s a hat-trick

My third colon hydrotherapy clinic article this year has been published in The Sherwood monthly community magazine.

The magazine offers news, information, events and is packed with wonderful places to visit and sights to see in the Sherwood area.

Here’s a copy of the article, hope you enjoy it.

Colon Clinic Hat-Trick Article


A copy will be available soon on the News Journal website.

I do hope you enjoy my article and find it interesting and informative.

People not only visit if they feel ill or have a problem, they visit me for wellness and a sense of wellbeing.

Please contact me on 07932 629003 to find out more or book an appointment.

Janet x


We’re IN Nottingham

We’re IN Nottingham

We’re featured in the March 18 Edition of the In Nottingham magazine.  Find us on P25 of the Health section.

Here’s a snippet …

As a Western society we are starting to realise how important the Gut really is, we are what our gut is. 

The bowel has a big part to play in keeping us healthy and around 80 % of our immunity is from our gut. It is linked to all areas of our body, when it’s working well it is linked to controlling our weight. It can also influence our mood and atributes to general wellness.

The gut is as important as our brains and heart, yet as a nation we may be still too embarrassed to ask vital questions about it. The Gut microbiome or our individual gut plan of good “gut flora” or bacteria, as we commonly know it as, play a key part in obesity, allergies and depression.

Click on this link to read the rest of my article.

I do hope you enjoy my article and find it interesting and informative.

People not only visit if they feel ill or have a problem, they visit me for wellness and a sense of wellbeing.

Please contact me on 07932 629003 to find out more or book an appointment.

Janet x

How can colon hydrotherapy help your gut?

How can colon hydrotherapy help your gut?

This week my latest article has been posted on the Henpicked website.

Henpicked is a supportive community of women who share advice and top tips on health, happiness, style, beauty and much, much more.

Why should you invest in a colonics treatment? Follow this link to my Henpicked article and find out … Henpicked, Health, March 2018

I hope you enjoy my article and find it interesting and informative.

Please contact me on 07932 629003 to find out more or book an appointment.

Janet x