Showing all 17 results
Supportive Let’s Move Capsules
By far my Best Sellers, these are great for gentle and effective bowel movements, to keep the bowel regular and working and ease constipation. The Lets Move supplements are synergistic ingredients that help to produce more comfortable bowel movements and may help to expel layers of old encrusted mucus and faecal matter that may have accumulated over time.Description
Each capsule contains the highest grade of herbs to work in tune with your body to gently move waste material that might be sluggish. These help the body to expel waste naturally. Let's Move are not laxatives and do not have a laxative effect, they work like food to gently work with your body to eliminate waste. The active ingredient in these supplements help to stimulate the liver, improve peristalsis and tone the bowel wall. They help to support you towards unassisted bowel movements. Beneficial for: • Stool softening • Clearing bowel pockets • Diverticula • Body cleanse and detox • Increase dietary fibre intake • Haemorrhoids • Constipation • Liver stimulation • Sluggish bowels.Supportive Good Bowel Function Powder
High dietary fibre, bulk and weight loss blend
Supportive Magnesium Bowel Hydration Capsules
A magnesium based bowel formula, with sugar beet fibre which contributes to an increase in faecal bulk
Supportive Amino Acid L-Glutamine Powder
L-Glutamine amino acid powder
Supportive Aloe Juice
Traditionally used to help reduce inflammation especially in the digestive tract and can help with constipation.
Unprocessed and grown without the use of herbicides or pesticides, Aloe Juice has a mild taste and is ideal for mouth wash or skin burns/soothing.
- High in antioxidants and polyphenols supporting your whole health.
- Usually taken internally this can be diluted with water to your taste. The Aloe vera has a mild taste. Can be used as a general mouthwash or after tooth or gum extractions.
- Aloe vera juice can be used to help relieve constipation and reduce heartburn.
- It’s rich in antioxidants and polyphenols and helps to lower oxidative stress. In turn this helps with the reduction of chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
- It is rich in Vitamin C, known for calming and soothing and it can be used for burns and scars. It can be directly applied to the skin. or soaked in a bandage for mild burns.
- It is always advised to check with a qualified clinician before using this product. Do not take instead of a varied diet.
Supportive Healthy Gut Capsules
Combination gastrointestinal complex with caprylic acid, herbals and live culture formula
Supportive Live Bacteria Max Capsules
A vegan, multi-strain live culture combination (20 billion strength)
Supportive GI Care Capsules
Herbal gastrointestinal care (with caprylic acid)
Supportive Multi-Strain Live Bacteria
A multi-strain live culture combination (4 billion strength)
Supportive Children’s Active Cultures Powder
A live culture powder suitable for children – 1 billion strength
Supportive Saccharomyces Boulardii
Saccharomyces boulardii yeast (5 billion strength) PLUS immunity, inflammation response and mucous membrane support
Supportive High Strength Digestive Enzymes
Plant derived enzymes plus herbs
Supportive Multi-Fibre Complex Capsules
A multi-fibres blend in capsules